
Registration Amateur / Youth / Juvenile / Junior / Senior

Contact details

Please fill in the details of the contact person for this registration.

If you have an account, please login and your contact details will automatically be filled in for you.

Please let us know your name.

Please let us know your email address.

Ongeldige invoer

Ongeldige invoer

Couple details

Please fill in the details of the couple participating in the amateur event(s)

Please fill in the names of the couple participating in the professional vent(s)

Please fill in the country where the couple is dancing for.

Russia and Belarus are excluded from representation. Dancing for should read: "Neutral"

Please fill in the date of birth of the male or solo dancer. format: DD/MM/YYYY.

Date format: dd/mm/yyyy

Please fill in the date of birth of the female dancer. format: DD/MM/YYYY.

Date format: dd/mm/yyyy

Event details

Please select the amateur event(s) in which you will compete.

Please select at least one event to participate in.

Please select at least one event to participate in.

Please select at least one event to participate in.

Please select at least one event to participate in.

Please select at least one event to participate in.


Please leave any remarks in the message box.

Please let us know your message.

Privacy statement

In order to complete your entry you need to accept our privacy statement and our terms and conditions

You need to accept in order to make a registration.

Ongeldige invoer